What Should I do if a Squirrel Enters my House

What Should I do if a Squirrel Enters my House?

A squirrel in the house is no laughing matter. Squirrels are destructive little critters that will do a considerable amount of damage to your home when given the chance to get inside. If you think there are squirrels in your house, you should absolutely call for professional help. These animals are territorial in nature and could hurt you if you get too close. As a protected species, it’s also a good idea not to harm the animals. A professional wildlife removal technician can safely remove a squirrel from your house. Call Pest Control Guelph now for squirrel removal and pest-proofing services.

Squirrels enter people’s houses in search of a place to nest. This happens most often during the squirrel mating season in early spring and late summer when females need a place to raise their young. The warm air and the smell of food that escapes the roof vents attracts them to the attic. Attics make great homes for squirrels. This room provides them with warm shelter and easy access to the outside, up above the ground. Squirrels are up during the day, so you may be able to hear thumping, scratching, and chattering sounds coming from up in the attic during the early hours of the morning and at the end of the day. Increased squirrel activity on the roof of your house may also indicate a squirrel infestation.

If you think there’s a squirrel in the house, don’t panic. Reach out to a wildlife removal company that can handle squirrels and ask for help. A technician will come to your house and perform and inspection to find where the squirrel got in, then will most likely install a one-way door on that entrance. This will allow the squirrel to leave the house without anyone getting hurt. The squirrel will simply walk through the door when it wants to go out, then it will be unable to come back in. The squirrel will have to find somewhere else to live.

A wildlife removal company can also pest-proof your home to prevent squirrels or any other animals from getting inside. This would involve the installation of galvanized steel mesh on the tops of roof vents and chimneys. Squirrels and other animals cannot chew through this metal. The technician may also put mesh along the edge of the roof wherever there may be gaps. You can also conduct your own repairs – anywhere you think a squirrel could fit or chew their way through, you should seal. You can also cut tree branches away from the house and remove sources of food from the yard, such as bird seed and fallen fruit.

If there’s a squirrel in your house, you must have it removed before it damages your house any further. Squirrel nests are dirty, and they risk damaging the ceiling below. The squirrel could also chew through electrical wires and start a fire. If you’re worried about squirrels, reach out to Pest Control Guelph. Our crew is experienced in squirrel removal and would be happy to help. Call Pest Control Guelph now: 519-900-1180.

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