
Do Boxelder Bugs Harm My Pets

If you’ve noticed a swarm of boxelder bugs taking over your home, you might be wondering if these little critters pose any danger to your furry friends. Boxelder bugs are small insects commonly found in North America, and while they can be a nuisance, they generally don’t pose a significant threat to pets. Read on to see what they are all about!

If you have boxelder bugs on your property and need to get rid of them, hire the fully licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Guelph.

What Are Boxelder Bugs?

Before we address the potential harm to your pets, let’s get to know these bugs a little better. Boxelder bugs are about half an inch long and have a distinct black and red coloration. They are named after the boxelder tree, which is their primary host. These bugs thrive in warm weather and are often seen congregating on the sunny sides of buildings or in large numbers on boxelder trees themselves.

Boxelder Bugs and Pets

Rest assured, your pets are unlikely to suffer any serious harm from boxelder bugs. These insects don’t bite or sting, so your furry companions can rest easy. However, that doesn’t mean they’re entirely harmless either. Here’s what you need to know:

Ingestion Concerns

Pets, especially cats and dogs, can be curious creatures and may try to play with or even eat boxelder bugs. While swallowing a few bugs shouldn’t cause any major issues, it’s best to discourage your pets from snacking on them. Large quantities of bugs may lead to minor stomach upset or gastrointestinal discomfort. So, keep an eye on your pet’s behavior if they show excessive interest in the bugs.


Just like humans, some pets may have allergies to certain insects, including boxelder bugs. If your pet develops an allergic reaction, you may notice symptoms such as itching, redness, or skin irritation. In rare cases, more severe reactions can occur, leading to difficulty breathing or swelling. If you suspect your pet is having an allergic reaction, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian promptly.

Prevention and Control

  • Now that you know boxelder bugs aren’t a significant threat to your pets, you may still want to keep their presence to a minimum. Here are a few tips to prevent boxelder bugs from invading your home:
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for any cracks or gaps where boxelder bugs can enter and seal them off. This will help keep them from finding their way inside.
  • Remove Attractants: Boxelder bugs are drawn to warmth and light, so consider keeping doors and windows closed or screened to prevent their entry. Additionally, removing boxelder trees or their seeds near your house can reduce the bugs’ attraction.
  • Professional Help: If you’re dealing with a severe boxelder bug infestation, it might be best to seek professional pest control assistance. They can provide effective solutions to eliminate the bugs and prevent future invasions.

Pest Control Guelph 

Boxelder bugs are a big nuisance when it comes to the peace and enjoyment of your gard or yard. This is why it is highly recommended to hire fully licensed and insured pest control specialists that are trained in complete extermination of your boxelder bug presence. Our technicians will work diligently to make sure the problem is resolved and will not come back anymore with the help of commercial-grade pesticides and expertise. Call our customer service for more detail on our established and guaranteed solutions.


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