Squirrel and Rat Exclusion in Guelph

Exterior inspection 

A customer called our company with complaints about disturbances. Following this, the technician went to the property for an on-site inspection. The technician started with an exterior inspection. The exterior inspection is the most important step in the process and will determine what needs to be done for the rest of the animal removal process.

During the interior inspection, the technician found rat burrows.

If you have rodents like rats or squirrels on your property, do not hesitate to contact the wildlife and pest control technicians from Pest Control Guelph.

The technician will look at entry points and will seek to identify vulnerable areas around the perimeter. The technician conducted the exterior inspection and determined that there was a rat presence and that there were foundation gaps that the rats used to get to the interior and spread from there on out.


Rat droppings were found in the basement as well. The technician also conducted a roof inspection and determined a separate squirrel break-in. It was concluded that the squirrel chews through the roof edge and entered the attic space. The technician was left with quite an extensive job that concerned rodents altogether.

 Initial Measures Taken 


For the rats, the following measures were taken. Since the rats were found in the basement, the technician deployed a tamper-proof bait station outside of the property. Tamper-proof bait stations are containers that are secured and locked out of pets’ and children’s reach. These bait stations are loaded with bait blocks. These bait blocks are multi-feed blocks that rats are attracted to by scent. It is poisoned food. Once they eat from it, they will perish over time.

Rat droppings were found during the interior inspection which confirmed rat presence.

The technician placed snap traps inside the basement at strategic points for the interior. These snap traps will deliver a lethal blow whereupon the rats will die on the spot. The reason why the technician did not use bait stations inside is that the rat would perish in hard-to-reach places behind the walls where these rat burrows are leading to.

The technician also attached a rat One-Way Door. It lets the rat leave while not letting the rat back in. Depending on the severity, it can take a few days to a few weeks for all the rats to either leave or die.

A rat On-Way Door was installed.


For the squirrel that was living in the attic, the technician attached a squirrel One-Way Door. It functions the same as the rat One-Way Door in that it lets the squirrel leave and not let it back in. It will typically leave the property within a week or so because the squirrel needs water and food.

The technician came back weeks later and check for rat and squirrel presence. Once the squirrel and rat presence was determined not to be there, the technician moved on to the proofing and sealing stage. For the proofing, 2 foundation gaps were sealed with steel mesh and secured with washers and bolts. Additionally, door holes and window holes were sealed with caulking. This will prevent insects and other animals from entering.

The squirrel entry point was eventually sealed as well with steel mesh. This material is squirrel-proof and will withstand attacks from other wildlife animals such as raccoons.

The foundation gap was sealed and proofed with rodent-proof steel mesh.


Our team called the homeowners back and wanted to check in on homeowners. They reported no noise or activity taking place in and outside the property. Squirrels and rats present a constant threat to the comfort of all homeowners since rats and squirrels will find all sorts of ways to get in. Rats will make use of exterior vents, uncovered pipes, foundation gaps, and utility line gaps, and will even slip through the garage door. Squirrels will chew through roof vents, nest in the chimney, and take advantage of fascia holes. If you hear any strange noises, contact the professionals from Pest Control Guelph.



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