What Attracts Squirrels to Your Property

What Attracts Squirrels to Your Property?

Are you interested in seeing more squirrels in your yard? Luckily, it doesn’t take much to get these furry critters to visit your property. Squirrels have adapted very well to urban living and can be seen practically anywhere where there are trees, plants, and houses. Be careful when attracting squirrels to your yard, though. They like to get into people’s houses and make a mess inside the attic. If you have any squirrel concerns, contact Pest Control Guelph now.

Squirrels are attracted to areas with many trees and proximity to food. Any yard with a sturdy tree and easy access to bird seed, vegetables, or fruits will attract squirrels. Contrary to popular belief, squirrels eat more than seeds and nuts. They are omnivores that will eat a variety of foods that can be found outdoors. As arboreal creatures, squirrels like to nest above ground in the canopies of trees, which unfortunately makes attics attractive as well because they mimic the structure of a tree. The warm air and the smell of food that escapes the attic draws squirrels in. As prolific chewers, these animals have no trouble gnawing their way through roof vents and any cracks they find along the edge of the roof.

While you may enjoy the presence of squirrels on your property outside, it’s important to keep your attic safe from a squirrel invasion. Once inside, they like to build nests in the insulation, crushing and shifting the insulation around and driving energy costs up. Squirrels defecate and urinate in these nests, which then causes odour problems and damages the attic further with mold and rot. The smell of a squirrel nest also attracts other pests to the attic, like raccoons and roof rats. Over time, the build up of urine risks leaking down into the ceilings of the rooms below. Luckily, all of this can be avoided by squirrel-proofing your home.

To squirrel-proof the house, you should first inspect the roof for any gaps or cracks in which squirrels could crawl through. Drip edges wear with time and often separate from the framing of the house. Be sure to keep this in good condition to avoid having any animals crawl through. Check the vents as well for any chew marks or signs of an infestation. Seal up any cracks you find with silicone caulking and install mesh wiring on the outside of vents and chimneys. If you want help, a professional pest removal technician can install this for you.

It’s very easy to attract squirrels to your property, but it’s much harder to get them out of your house. If there are squirrels living in your attic, remember that there is always help available. Pest Control Guelph offers safe and humane squirrel removal and pest-proofing services that you can rely on. Our team is experienced in squirrel treatments and guarantees to keep the squirrels away with our 2-year warranty. Call Pest Control Guelph today.

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