What to do if You Find Baby Squirrels

What to do if you Find Baby Squirrels

It’s not totally uncommon to come across a baby squirrel in early spring or late summer. Squirrels nest in the tops of trees where they risk falling out if there is a strong gust of wind or flaw in the nest. Sometimes a baby will be unlucky and fall to the ground, but these animals are resilient, and their mothers will usually come get them soon enough. If you found babies in your house, however, that’s a different story. Call Pest Control Guelph for baby squirrel removal.

If you found a baby squirrel on the ground outside, the best thing you can do is put it in an opened cardboard box and leave it under the nearest tree. The baby could not have gone far from the nest. Its mother should come get it within a few hours. If three or more hours have passed and the baby is still there, call your local animal services and ask them what you should do. Some rescue services would be happy to take the animal in and rehabilitate it.

If you found baby squirrels on the inside of the house, you should leave them alone and call a wildlife removal company for help. A technician will then perform an inspection in which he or she will look for the entry point the mother squirrel used to get in the house. The next thing the technician will do is install a one-way door to safely get the squirrel family out, but only once the babies have grown old enough to leave. Squirrels are a protected species in Ontario, so it is illegal to harm them. Depending on the service, a technician may install the door anyway but retrieve the babies once the mother has left. He or she will then place the babies on the outside of the house, next to the entry point the mother used before. The mother squirrel will then find a new place to raise her young.

Once the squirrels have been removed from your home, you should consider squirrel-proofing the house to prevent any more from getting inside. A wildlife removal technician can install mesh wiring to the tops of the roof vents and chimneys, and along the edge of the roof where there may be gaps and weak spots. Roof repair and maintenance is crucial in avoiding squirrels. You can also avoid these animals by cutting tree branches back away from the roof and removing food sources from the yard, like bird seeds or fallen fruit.

The professionals at Pest Control Guelph are experienced in squirrel removal. We know how to handle squirrels and their babies. Our inspections are thorough, and we guarantee to get the job done in the safest and most efficient way possible. Ask Pest Control Guelph (519-900-1180) today how we can help solve your squirrel problem.

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