What Are Some Natural Repellants That Help Against Bed Bugs

What Are Some Natural Repellants That Help Against Bed Bugs?

Prevention is the best deterrent against bed bugs in a long shot. The first thing to do when you want to find out if you have a bed bug infestation is to set out with a flashlight and to look for traces of bed bug infestation or the bed bugs themselves. Bed bugs are extremely good at hiding and will hide in the most obscure places to avoid detection, but in most cases, they will stay close to where the host sleeps, rest, and relaxes to get the easy access to the bloodmeal. The first area to look for is your bed, carefully go through the bed frame, sides of the mattress, headboard while checking all the cracks. You have to look for visible traces of a bed bug infestation since the bed bugs themselves are almost invisible to the naked eye.

If you need to get rid of your bed bug problem, look no further than Bed Bug Control Guelph

Inspection and Removal 

 The way to find out whether you have a bed bug infestation is by looking for brown to black streaks on your bedding. Check on the sides, check underneath, and check on the back of your headboard to find any trace of bed bug presence. Once you do found some bed bugs, you can go ahead and physically remove them with either a paper towel, vacuuming, or even through tape. Keep in mind that this method is not recommended as this process can be tedious and very time-consuming. 

Washing at a High Temperature

One of the most effective ways to tackle a bed bug infestation without getting any chemicals involved is through heat treatment. The key is to gather all the bedding, stuffed animals, blankets, pillowcases, and sheets and wash them at a consistent temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. To do this, you should wash them at a laundromat. Make sure to notify the owner first before washing them. 


Vacuuming the top and bottom with the strongest suction nozzle you have may alleviate the problem. Please keep in mind that this can have varied results based on what suction you use and what areas you are paying attention to or ignoring. If you do choose this route make sure that the vacuum bag is also bagged and thrown away immediately.

Essential Oils 

According to several home improvement sites, Tea tree oil, orange oil, and cedar oil seem to have damaging effects on bed bugs. Dilute with water and put in a spray bottle and mist the area that is affected daily. This is no guarantee for permanent removal, but it does help in reducing the bed bug presence.

All of the above methods may have a temporary effect and is highly dependant on the consistency, treatment methods, and areas that you treat. These methods are not effective replacements for professionals who have industry-grade tools and formulations available for a permanent exclusion and removal of bed bugs permanently. Call Pest Control Guelph for more information and to book an appointment.


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