I know this sounds like a nursery rhyme, but it’s not so focused and stops thinking about nursery rhymes. Everyone has had to deal with mice at least once in their life. They love our houses because they have access to everything they need, food, warmth and safety from predators. But they are a nuisance and they are very good at hiding and you need professional mice exterminator Guelph to deal with the issues.
Mice are capable of compressing their bodies by an amazing amount. They can use this superpower to squeeze through truly tiny holes and cracks in walls and foundations. This is one reason its so hard to keep mice out of the house. They can squeeze into nearly any space which can be very useful for vanishing suddenly while being chased by an angry human with a broom. They often get in by squeezing under doors, especially the garage door.
Once the mouse has found a suitable place to hide they will build a nest and reproduce. This will make your situation even worse, obviously. From there they will start spreading throughout the house, in the walls and ceilings, infiltrating cupboards and drawers in search of food.
If you have a mouse problem you can try to handle it on your own with snap traps and grocery store mouse poison but if you really want these suckers gone you need the professionals. Call Pest Control Guelph for serious mouse eradication. Our technicians will rapidly locate areas of the external property that mice can enter, they can find the point of highest activity in the house, they can lay down tamperproof bait stations containing commercial-grade rodenticide and when the mice are gone they can sterilize and deodorize your home like the mice were never there.
Call Pest Control Guelph, now to get an appointment, before its too late!