What you need to know about bald-faced hornet infestation

What you need to know about bald-faced hornet infestation

Bald-faced hornets are the close cousins of the yellow jacket wasp. While there are some differences between wasps and hornets they are extremely similar in far more ways than they are different. This hornet is called such because it is larger than a wasp, one of the primary distinctions between wasps and hornets. The bald-faced wasp is large and makes its nest in the air such as high up in a tree or your drip edge. The hornet is a known stinger and can be very aggressive if their nest is approached so if you have these hornets on your property you will need to get rid of them. 

If you bald-faced presence anywhere near or on your property, contact hornet removal Guelph for quick and safe removal.

What you need to know about bald-faced hornet infestation

They look almost like a black and white version of a yellow jacket, but larger. Their bodies are back and their face has a white pattern that gives it its name. Queens are even larger than the workers and they build only enclosed nests, unlike other wasps and hornets which often make open-faced nests. 

If you have a nest on your property then it can be assured that you have a serious or growing infestation. The nest will be oblong but generally round, grey, and hanging from a place like a tree branch or your overhang. The best way to not be stung by these aggressive and territorial hornets is to simply avoid them. This may be difficult if the hornet nest is right outside your front door. You can take preventative measures and seal up cracks and crevices but the hornets will just make a nest on your overhang, no need for cracks. 

Unlike other wasps and hornets, the bald face hornet is extremely aggressive and will sting anyone that approaches the nest. For this reason, they are not recommended for do it yourself removal. If you want them gone, and you will, you must call a professional to do it. Professionals also have difficulty with this type of hornet but are prepared to deal with it and have the protection that can keep them safe. They can, in one hour, remove and kill the nest and leave a residual spray that will kill any other hornets that try to return to the nest. 

So if you have hornets on your property you should call Wasp Control. Our technicians are highly trained, insured, and licensed to take out any wasp or hornet’s nest, no matter the location. Call us today for a full inspection. 

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