Types of wasps that are very aggressive in Ontario

Types of wasps that are very aggressive in Ontario

Wasps are aggressive cousins of bees. They are a divergent species that often mimic other insects like bees to cause confusion to predators. There are over 20 thousand different species of wasp in the world and only some of those are native to North America. Unlike a bee, which dies after it stings, wasps can string repeatedly. Females wasps are the ones that do the stinging though, the men just bite. It is also important to know that people die each year from allergic reactions to wasp stings. This is a serious issue and if you do not know if you are allergic you could risk your life every day you pass a wasp nest. Wasps are very aggressive. More so than most other species in the world.

If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Guelph for quick and safe removal.

They are territorial and will kill just about anything that enters their nesting area. While it may not be able to kill humans with one sting they will swarm and sting humans hundreds of times if they disturb their nest. This is why wasp removal is so important. If you have a wasp nest on your property then you have a life-threatening danger near your home and you will either have to deal with it yourself or call the professionals to remove it and take it away. So what kinds of wasps are there in the world and which ones are more likely to attack? Not all wasps are interested in protecting their territory to the point that they would instantly attack you but some species do exactly that. 

The yellow jacket. What a name, right? Already terrifying. They get their name from their species imitation of stripped bees. Their lines are more chaotic but people often mistake them for bees, only to be stung multiple times and realize it was a wasp. They show up in late summer and are attracted by the smell of food. So picnics and BBQs are a big draw for them. They build nests in places they feel most safe, under awnings and in trees and bushes. They don’t like to be too open to attack but often they will leave themselves open to attack. These wasps are aggressive as heck. Their nests often have four to five thousand wasps and they will all come out and attack you at once if they think you are threatening their nest. So stay well away from the nest when trying to handle it. You can also call the professionals at the Exterminators Inc. We can remove that nest from anywhere in your yard or home and clean away any remnant wasps. We offer a 6-month warranty on all our work so why wait? Call us now? 

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