Top Places Where Cockroaches Like to Hide

Cockroaches will go to great lengths to avoid being detected. In Guelph, thanks in part to a somewhat moist environment, cockroach invasions are becoming more rampant in homes and businesses. Cockroaches are a type of pest that lives off of food residue and most especially moisture. Moisture is the primary thing that guides where they go to take up residence as well as a primary component of their survival. Anywhere inside of a home is open season for cockroach activity, yet there are a few distinct places where they typically like to hide and rapidly reproduce the most. Call us for fast and reliable pest control Guelph services.

As previously mentioned, cockroaches like moisture. These insects will typically flock to areas in the home that are consistently moist. Kitchens are the top spot to always find the largest colonies of cockroaches due to this area containing food as well as moisture coming off of refrigerators and of course the kitchen sink. Cockroaches will typically hide near a moisture source, which when speaking in terms of a kitchen, is usually only a few feet from the sink. In addition to the moisture, cockroaches are also primarily nocturnal insects, meaning they like to hide and nest in dark areas.

Cockroaches have been found underneath and behind refrigerators, stoves, sinks, and even common kitchen appliances. They like the dark because this allows them to remain undetected and to reproduce at a rapid rate. In addition to kitchens, cockroaches will also branch out into other dark places within a home. Bathrooms offer just as much attraction to these insects as kitchens due to the moisture sources as well as substances such as soap scum and even waste particles from humans. Within bathrooms, cockroaches can be found inside of and underneath cabinets, along the edges and underneath tubs, showers, and toilets, as well as inside of the outer lining of drains.

Cockroaches also like to hide and nest in clutter, particularly old paper or cardboard. They have been known to nest stacks of boxes and papers, as well as underneath and along the sides of beds and dressers. Although cockroaches generally do not like cold temperatures, they have been found hiding inside of air-conditioners as well. They can hide virtually anywhere inside a home, but moisture and darkness are the two most attractive aspects to a cockroach. If you are experiencing a cockroach invasion, it is simply too monumental a task to try and take on eradication measures by yourself. Immediately consult with an exterminator who is trained to address the entirety of the problem with the best tools available.

Cockroaches can hide anywhere inside of a home, yet kitchens and bathrooms will likely be the top places to find them congregating. Moisture and darkness offer the most alluring environments for cockroaches to house, but it should be noted that cockroaches will not always hide when the lights are one. Large infestations will usually see cockroaches roaming around freely during the daytime and with interior lighting turned on.

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