Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House

Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House

Carpenter ants do not eat wood. That is a common fallacy. They brought through the wood to make their tunnels, which is somehow scarier and you need professional carpenter ant exterminator Guelph for expert solutions.

Carpenter ants have parent colonies and satellite colonies. The parent colony is frequently outside, in an old stump or some rotting wood around your house. It can also start in your house in places with damp wood like the laundry room or the bathroom. They prefer wood that is moist and rotting but that’s not the end of their journey.

While you may not realize it, you can have an infestation of carpenter ants right now and not know it. Carpenter ant safelight colonies do not have eggs and are only filled with workers. So there is no food-collecting going on. You may never see the ants until you discover the parent colony in your closet with the leak.

They enter like most pests, through cracks, but they can also enter through wet and rotting wood. So if you have a leak or need to replace your deck, we suggest you get on it.

This process of satellite colonies slowly consuming the wood in your house is slow but invisible. The result is in a few decades your house will need way more repairs than you ever would have expected. So how do you find carpenter ant colonies in your house? That’s a tough question.

Signs of carpenter ant presence include piles of wood shavings, like sawdust but much finer, beneath wooden areas like baseboards and door jams. Rustling sounds coming from inside hollow doors and walls.

Shed wings are also a sign, creeped out yet? Read on.

And the big one. Winged ants. If you see an ant fly, and it does not have to be July, then you have a serious carpenter ant infestation and you need professional help NOW!

Call Pest Control Guelph now to get an appointment, before its too late!


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