rat feces and health concerns

Rat Feces and Health Concerns

Rats are primarily scavenging creatures, who frequently ingest waste and decaying matter that in turn makes their own systems incredibly toxic. Due to their activity of eating and drinking contaminants frequently, rats have acquired the ability to carry a whole host of potentially fatal diseases that can be spread to humans. The most frequent way for humans to become infected from rat diseases and bacteria is through rat feces and urine. With a rat infestation inside of a home, the feces and urine are frequently assembled multiple times a day, making large stockpiles of decaying feces frequent throughout a home. Once rat feces become dry, the bacteria can then be passed into the surrounding atmosphere and subsequently into the lungs of human beings. In addition to airborne pathogens from rat feces, the smell of rat urine, as well as the spreading of the bacteria emitting from it can easily spread to surfaces that humans frequently touch.

Rat feces and urine is the common vector of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). This respiratory illness is caused by dried rat feces particles entering the lungs of humans and then causing the syndrome. Signs and symptoms include fatigue, fever, aches and pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, chills, and eventually a painful and consistent cough. In addition to HPS, rats can also transmit bubonic plague to humans, which can be lethal if not treated early. Leptospirosis is also a disease transmitted to humans from rats, as well as salmonellosis, which can be transmitted to humans who unknowingly touch rat feces or urine.

Due to the overwhelming number of diseases and health risks that can come from rat feces and urine, cleaning up the waste should never be attempted. Always consult with a pest control Guelph professional who specializes in rat feces cleanup in addition to rat removal. Professionals possess the proper equipment to protect themselves while they are handling the feces, simple gloves and over-the-counter respiratory masks will not be enough to limit the exposure risk that comes with attempting to clean up rat waste. Once the feces have been cleared away, a full and industrial-grade cleaning and sanitation of the area will need to be performed.

Rat feces are also just revolting to both see and be near. It can be an overwhelmingly disturbing experience trying to clean up the feces and urine. Breathing in the feces can transmit HPS since the dried feces are now breaking off into tiny particles that can easily find its ways into the lungs. All of the various diseases and viruses that rat waste can transmit make it not worth attempting to clean the feces on your own. Rat feces should be immediately cleaned up and removed from the home upon discovery, therefore, it is probably best to consult an exterminator who can take care of this problem and then begin the process of removing the rats from the home. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to this task.

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