How to Properly Remove Squirrel Nest

How to Properly Remove a Squirrel Nest

Squirrels are troublesome little animals that will seriously damage your attic if given the chance. While they may look cute, these are territorial animals that will cost you thousands of dollars in damages to your home. It’s important to remove any squirrels from your attic if they’ve made their way inside and stop them from coming back. Squirrel-proofing your home and yard is a great way to prevent this from happening. Call Pest Control Guelph for help!

Squirrels are arboreal mammals that feed primarily on buds, seeds, nuts, and berries. As rodents, squirrels have teeth that never stop growing. This allows them to gnaw on hard nuts and manipulate their environments by chewing through wood. The Eastern grey squirrel is the most common species in Canada. Measuring between 23 and 30cm in length, this squirrel is either grey-brown with a whiter belly, or fully black. The red squirrel is also common, though it is usually spotted in quieter areas. This species is smaller as it only reaches about 23cm in length and its fur is reddish-brown.

To remove a squirrel nest, you must first evict the squirrels. If the nest is within your home, have a one-way door installed on the entrance the squirrels are using to get inside. This will block the squirrels from getting back inside once they have gone out to find food. To find the entrance, search your roof for any gaps or cracks the animals could squeeze through. Check the drip edge for openings and look underneath the roof vents for any chew marks. Squirrels usually only use one entrance, so you will only need to use one door. A professional wildlife removal technician can find it and set up the door for you.

If you’re interested in getting rid of a squirrel nest in a tree, a specialist can do this for you. This is a difficult task for the average homeowner. Once the nest is removed, the technician hired will inspect the tree for any cavities that could be harboring other squirrels, then squirrel-proof the tree to prevent any from coming back. He or she will either install squirrel baffle or trunk collar around the tree. You can also make your yard less attractive to squirrels by removing sources of food and restricting potential nesting places. Only use hanging bird feeders and place them far away from other branches. Pick up any fruit that fall to the ground and don’t leave any garbage out.

The best way to remove a squirrel nest is to get professional help. A wildlife removal technician will have the tools and know-how to properly get rid of any nests on your property. The Pest Control Guelph team is experienced in squirrel removal and can get any job done. For safe and effective squirrel removal and pest proofing, call Pest Control Guelph today: 519-900-1180.

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