How to Get Rid of Rats in the Basement?

Rats suck. Let’s just say it out loud. A rat infestation in your basement is a huge problem. There is a lot of way they can get in and a lot of places they can hide so finding them is very hard.

The most common rat you will find in the basement is the Norway rats and brown rats, generally not at the same time as they don’t really like each other. If you have food stored in your basement or if you have a cluttered basement then you have a perfect situation for rats.

Rats can travel into your basement through small cracks that you normally would think they couldn’t fit through. This makes for a dangerous situation as rats come and go, unlike mice who nest in a location permanently. So if you don’t seal these areas, even just with some duct tape, then you will have a lot of trouble killing the rats, either with bait or snap traps.

The real issue is once they are situated in their new home in the basement they may decide to start looking for greener pastures. This means you could end up stumbling upon rats in your kitchen at night. If this happens it is definitely a sign of a larger problem, you should definitely take it seriously.

Solving the problem on your own will be difficult, instead, call a professional rat exterminator Guelph. We have everything we need to get rid of your rat issue. We will find the entranceways and seal them, we will handle the external rat issue simultaneously with the internal one by placing large rat bait stations, tamper proof and weighted and filled with rodenticide, outside in areas of high activity while placing snap traps in the area of high activity on the inside of the structure, mainly, the basement.

The choice is clear, call Pest Control Guelph today.


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