How to get rid of a wasps nest in a tree

How to get rid of a wasps nest in a tree

Your beautiful trees. Most people who own a home buy it not just because they love the home but because they love the beautiful grounds that surround it. Sweet-smelling gardens, fruit trees, and outdoor patio furniture complete the ensemble of the perfect life so why does it always lead to something terrible? Wasps, terrible aggressive wasps that want to devour your fallen and rotting fruit and who want to build a nest in your magnificent trees and feed off the leftovers of your families’ outdoor eating, crumbs, and spilled sugary coffee?

If you suspect wasp nest anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp nest removal Guelph for quick and safe removal.

How to get rid of a wasps nest in a tree

If you suspect wasp nest anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp nest removal Guelph for quick and safe removal.

Wasps love that, kids ice cream fallen on the ground? That’s their favorite. How about your fruit salad leaking out of the overstuffed bowl? All of this will bring wasps to your home. Wasps love anything and everything sweet, while birthing new wasps they will subsist of mostly other insects to keep themselves strong but when mating season is over they go running for the dessert table. They can have a daily banquet off your leftovers and they will stay as long as they can to keep getting it. So how can you protect yourself from wasps making nests in your trees? You will have to take better care of your property. Clean up any and all spills and crumbs. Rake up and dispose of all fallen and rotting fruit and make sure to pick your tree clean of ripe fruit regularly. Seal all your garbage up in a tight-fitting and locking container and store it in the garage, garbage is a huge draw for all insects, and especially wasps. 

So what can you do to get rid of a wasp nest in your trees? You can try a bunch of things, soap and water are considered the best and easiest way to kill the nest but is not always very effective. You can also try Clove Oil and Lemongrass Oil mixed together and spritzed into the entryway of the nest. There are also grocery store solutions like insecticide, you will need to empty to cans at once into the nest to actually kill anything and many wasps will escape but you will have killed the nest. Wasp freeze or hornet freeze is also very useful for dealing with wasp nests in trees. You should do all this at night and wait at least a month before removing the nest from the tree or it may aggravate still living wasps inside. 

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