Do wasps hunt other flying insects

Do wasps hunt other flying insects

Wasps are the kings of the insect jungle, well the princes, the hornets are king. But wasps are pretty much apex insect predators when it comes to hunting other insects. They thoroughly enjoy tearing into any and all flying or crawling insects and that usually means they will like your garden.

f you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact wasp removal Guelph for quick and safe removal.

Do wasps hunt other flying insects

Your garden is filled with all the insects a wasp could want, they can dig up the solid and bury their eggs with grubs and they can feed on the insects that crawl around your garden, its a win win situation for them. And its not like they have any reason to fear you, the owner of the property, if you bother them even for a moment they will swarm you and sting you a thousand times, sending you to the ER. No if you have a wasp nest on your property you will have to handle it another way. Wasps are active during the day time only, they do not come out at night, for just about any reason. They also die off in the fall just before winter. When a wasp nest reaches maturity and the winter comes the wasp all die except for the queen, the queen then finds a nice safe spot to hibernate for the winter. When the spring comes the wasp queen will build a rudimentary nest on a tree or somewhere well hidden, She will lay a great many eggs and then wait as they hatch. Soon she has a full colony and a growing nest that can reach the size of a large basketball. What is there to do when these wasps are nesting on your property or even worse, nesting in your home. How can you protect yourself and how can you stop them. Well the first thing you need to do is to make your property unappealing to wasps. Wasps like the smell of sweet things, they love garbage and ice cream and any sweet thing they can find. They even hunt for bee hives to steal their honey and kill their workers. The wasps are drawn to food sources like fallen fruit and leftovers from eating outside. If you leave food outside a lot then you can be sure that you will get a wasp infestation in your yard. 

If you want to get rid of the wasps for good you will have to go after the nest. This is not easy, you will want to wear a sturdy beekeepers suit and make sure to protect yourself with sturdy leather gloves or else those wasps are gonna rip into you en mass. Get two cans of spray insecticide and get ready to kill. Find the nest and spray both cans at the same time straight into the entrance of the nest and don’t stop till the cans are empty. You should then wait a month before removing the nest. 

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