Carpenter Ant Case Study Guelph

Case Study: Carpenter Ants Removed from Interior and Exterior of Home in Guelph

The following article details a severe carpenter ant extermination in Guelph, Ontario. Carpenter ants had infested both the interior and exterior of a single-family residence, damaging its structure from the inside out. To remove them, a comprehensive treatment using insecticidal baits and sprays was carried out and has since left this home carpenter-ant free. If you suspect carpenter ant activity on your property, reach out to the professionals at Pest Control Guelph for guaranteed removal.


The client in this case reached out to Pest Control Guelph in June when they began noticing a lot of black ants were crawling around in the house. They could be seen crawling in the window frames and door frames at the back of the house as well as in the back deck outside. The homeowners had tried using store-bought pesticides in the past, but the ants were coming back in full force. A technician promptly came to the scene to investigate.

Upon arrival, the technician inspected the exterior of the home for signs of carpenter ant damage and activity. Carpenter ants are attracted to damp and decaying wood. They do not consume it, but they build nests inside it. The home in this case had a wooden deck in the back, which is a common hotspot for carpenter ant activity. Carpenter ants were found crawling around the deck and the foundation of the home.

carpenter ants outside
Carpenter ants could be seen crawling around the house, looking for food and wood.

Inside, the technician found carpenter ants crawling around the back door and in the garage. Door frames, window frames, and baseboards are susceptible to ants. The infestation in this case had likely started in the deck outside, then spread into the walls of the home. Carpenter ant colonies create satellites as they spread and can consist of several thousands of ants. Given the amount of visible activity, the technician rendered this an advanced infestation that would require a complete treatment on both the interior and exterior of the home.


To get rid of the ants, the technician on site sprayed the deck and exterior perimeter of the home with a commercial-grade insecticide. This eliminated the ants on contact and would continue to eliminate any ants that emerge later. The insecticides that our professionals use are much more effective than those available in stores. They are weather-resistant and long-lasting. A bait station was also placed on the side of the deck to reach the core of the colony. Surviving ants would gather the bait within, then bring it to the heart of the nest, eliminating all hidden ants.

Exterior Carpenter Ant Bait Station
Bait stations are little green plastic boxes that are discreet when placed within the foliage outside. This bait station would poison the exterior colony from the inside out when wandering ants brought the bait back to their colony.

Inside, the technician used an ultra-light volume mist to reach deep in the cracks and crevices of the home. The mist consists of a potent insecticide that eliminates the pests immediately and continues to work for weeks after it has been applied. Then, to reach the ants living inside the walls, the technician performed avoid treatment in which he drilled a small hole in the wall and applied insecticidal dust into the void. Like the treatment outside, the technician then baited the interior in case there were any survivors.

Treating both the interior and exterior in this fashion would eliminate the entire colony of carpenter ants from several angles. Following the service, the technician advised the homeowners to avoid doing any deep cleaning for a few weeks so as not to disturb the treatment, and to give it a few weeks to work.


Within a few days, the customers, in this case, were no longer witnessing any carpenter ant activity. The treatments on both the interior and exterior got rid of the pests entirely. Carpenter ant infestations like this one are unfortunately common throughout the Guelph area and need professional intervention to get rid of them. If there are ants on your property, reach out to Pest Control Guelph. Our technicians are licensed and experienced in pest removal and have the tools to get rid of them effectively. Call Pest Control Guelph for safe, reliable, and affordable carpenter ant removal.

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