Places Where Cockroaches Like to Hide?

Where do roaches hide? Everywhere. They can hide in anything, all over the house, in the walls. There on the walls! Okay, enough twilight zone for me. But seriously, they can hide anywhere and you need professional cockroach extermination Guelph to deal with the infestation.

Roaches are tiny and quick, they hide behind walls and they can get there through a crack in the wall. The crack may not even be noticeable but its an entranceway for a roach den.

They can also hide in right fixtures, outlets, in the backs of fridges and ovens and in the fridge fan. They are absolutely everywhere.

When the lights are off some roaches like to sit on the ceiling. They can drop down and escape easily and will leave when the light goes on but at night it can be quite a problem if they decide to drop down on you and crawl into your mouth.

The cockroaches favourite haunt are water pipes, they love being around and playing in the water. Open pipes like the drain in the basement are great places for them to come up which is why we recommend putting a fine mesh over it, though that won’t stop the babies.

If you are sick of hearing about this and just want them gone, then I have good news for you, Pest Control Guelph.

We can send a technician with years of experience to your home to perform a full internal inspection. They will then use multiple treatments to rid you of roaches. From crack and crevice treatment to prevent roaches from travelling. A baseboard spray and spraying inside the backs of large appliances and motors, insecticide dust in wall voids and ultra-low volume insecticide mist that can reach places of deep harborage and rise up in the air to coat the area.

The choice is clear, Pest Control Guelph today.


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