Pest Control Treatments that Do not Require to Leave Your House During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Pest Control Treatments that Do not Require to Leave Your House During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Ants can be proven to be a pesky issue that continues to plague homes in Ontario and specifically in Kitchener. You might see workers scouring for food on your tabletop, on your floor and in your cabinets. One of the most common species of ants you will see is the carpenter ant who is often confused by termite presence. In contrast to what many think, the carpenter ant does not consume the wood like termites do, but use their mandibles to remove pieces of wood as they tunnel their way into the wooden structures in your house. As the ants move in your house by the thousands the signs to determine whether you are dealing with a carpenter ant problem can be seen by these physical signs. the accumulation of sawdust in secluded areas of your house such as garages. To tackle the presence of a carpenter ant population. Our Pest Control Guelph service uses a very effective ant gel bait, with the inclusion of the active ingredient  thiamethoxam, which is proven to be a very effective weapon against controlling large swats of carpenter ant population. This odourless palatable clear gel has a track record of bringing down the population in a very timely and efficient manner.

Key Features

    •       Has the active ingredient, thiamethoxam, that incorporates it in a very pleasant tasting formula that can be easily transferred and spread throughout the entire colony.

    •       It maintains its translucent nature for a long period of time and holds the thick consistency

    •       Contains the most preferred ant bait solutions out of a broad spectrum available to professionals

Key Benefits

    •       Gives technicians an amazing advantage in controlling the population of ants, including Argentine, carpenter, ghost and other problematic ant species, by both ingestion and transfer to control ants

    •       The formula makes it very pleasant for ants to digest which makes the transfer to the colony in its entirety very easy.

    •       The formula does not stain clothes and fabrics as it is odourless as well.

    •       The gel can be applied in cracks and crevices which are known ti harbours ants making the gel a very effective treatment when controlling large numbers of ant population.

Ants with regards to carpenter ants are destructive creatures that can wreak havoc inside almost all wooden structures inside your home. The chances where the massive amount of carpenter ants establishing inside your property is thus huge. It can be a financial burden to deal with if the problem is not assessed and treated early enough to permit the expansion of the colony. During the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, our technicians are going above and beyond to ensure that the methods are environmentally friendly, safe, and responsible. 

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