Why You Shouldn’t Kill or Poison Rats by Yourself

Why You Shouldn’t Kill or Poison Rats by Yourself

Rats are one of the most feared pests in the entire world. Their dangers to human beings are legendary due to the decimation wrought across Europe in the Middle Ages due to their spreading of bubonic plague. They can also be aggressive and freely bite or scratch people when they are threatened. They carry a whole host of dangerous diseases and germs, and just by having them live inside of your home, these diseases can be spread to humans. You may be wondering why it is not advisable to kill these rodents at every turn imaginable, but the reasons are certainly in place for your own health and security.

First and foremost, it is very difficult to try and kill rats due to their size alone. They are about the size of a large puppy at their largest and this presents many challenges in trying to physically do harm to them. They multiply rapidly as well, meaning you could very well be facing an entire colony of rats and not even know about it. Attempting to capture them with traps is also not a very good idea. Apart from the obvious problem of having nowhere to take them once they are inside of the traps, this activity will open you up to rat exposure, making it easier for the rats to bite or scratch as well as pass germs to your person.

Many home and business owners typically turn to poisons to kill rats even though there are many possible potentials for failure due to the fragility of the poison, as well as rats simply choosing to not take the bait. Harsher poisons, such as strychnine, are also possibly more dangerous to you instead of rats. These poisons can emit potentially dangerous levels of chemicals into the ambient atmosphere inside of your home and touching them can be deadly. Likewise, popular anticoagulant poisons used for rodent control can prove to be ineffective to some rats who simply have wised up to the poison.

It just isn’t an easy or safe thing to try and go to war against rats. Unlike some common insect pests, rats can be very aggressive and pass many diseases to humans. As warm-blooded animals, it is also not easy to try and kill rats as it would be with a swarm of insects. Pest control professionals are the answer to this dilemma. Professional exterminators are trained in rodent behaviour and know exactly what works to eliminate them and also to keep them out of your home in the future.

Eliminating rats on your own is never a good idea. There are simply too many variables that can go wrong and trying to kill an infestation with minimal available products is not easy, nor is it a good idea due to rat aggression. Stay on the safe side and allow professional pest control Guelph company to complete the job for you. It simply is not worth the risk at all.

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