How to Know if You Have Rats or Mice Infestation?

How to Know if You Have Rats or Mice Infestation?

Rats and mice are becoming an overwhelming problem throughout nearly all Canadian provinces. These rodents are always on the lookout for new places to infest, therefore, it is important to know what signs to look out for to tell if you have a possible infestation. No home is immune to rat and mice infestations, although it is true that these rodents are attracted to homes and yards that have a lot of clutter and are generally unsanitary. Although it is certainly possible to tell if you have an infestation, control and eradication measures should always be undertaken by a pest control Guelph professional to ensure that the rodents are properly eliminated.

One of the most common ways of being able to tell if your home has a rat or mice infestation, apart from visually seeing them, is the presence of rat and mice droppings. These droppings will typically take on the shape of a pellet and be found literally anywhere within your home but most often in areas along the edges of walls and in corners. Rats and mice do not like to venture too far out into the open for fear of being discovered. If you ever discover these droppings, this is almost assuredly proof that rats and mice are inside of your home. Additionally, you may notice or more likely, smell rat and mice urine. Rodent urine has a pungent, almost overwhelmingly foul odor and like droppings, can be found in corners and along the edges of walls.

You can also learn of rat and mice infestations through their affinity for chewing and gnawing on all manner of structures. Check all of your wiring throughout the house to see if any lines have chew or gnaw marks, although this can be a sign of other rodents as well, it is most likely from rats or mice. These rodents will also need to find entryways into your home. Small holes along the edges of walls or areas that lead to the outside are also a strong indication of rat and mice activity. If you shine a flashlight inside of these holes, you may see an assemblage of material which is most definitely a rat or mice nest. Rats and mice can also be noisy, where many reports exist of homeowners hearing squeaking noises behind walls and in corners.

Rat and mice infestations always come with easily identifiable warning signs of their presence within a home. Droppings and urine are a revolting sign to come across, but this always usually means that your home is infested. Gnaw marks and holes are also indicators that signal to rat and mice infestations. If you discover any of these warning signs, consult with a pest control professional that specializes in rodent removal immediately. Finding signs of these rodents is never a pleasant experience, but a professional can get to work immediately with the proper tools and procedures to eliminate the infestation quickly and efficiently.

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