How to Deal with Wasps in Your Garden

How to Deal with Wasps in Your Garden

Wasps can be a nuisance if they invade your garden and fly around all the time. They are utterly dangerous with their sting, especially since a single wasp can sting multiple times. Controlling them involves a combination of both natural and artificial means. Below are tips for wasp removal in your garden.

1. Prevention

Not attracting wasps in the first place should be your number one goal towards getting them off your garden. Ensure you don’t leave food remains to lie about, more often pet food. Collect and put it away in a closed trash can. An open can of trash is another attraction for wasps as they forage for food. Fallen fruits too; collect them, so they don’t start to rot on the ground and bring in wasps. Another way to keep away wasps would be to plant repellent plants like eucalyptus or mint.

2. Eliminating wasp nests

You can do this by either spraying to kill the wasps or can pull down the nests. Do this while wearing protective clothing and in the early morning or just before dusk. For the spray, you can buy one, or you can make it yourself. You only need soap and some water. The soap, when sprayed at the wasps, weighs down on their wings making them unable to fly and they eventually die. You can also line the nest with powder-form insecticide. When the wasps crawl into the nests and carry it in their legs, they spread it in the entire nest, and the whole colony dies. You can also cover the nest with a piece of cloth, pull it down and drown the wasps in water. For ground nests, blocking the entrance keeps the wasps away, and the ones inside get trapped and die.

3. Use of decoy nests

You can buy commercial decoys available in stores that deal with pest control products. Or you can build your own, using crumpled brown paper. Alternatively, you can make one by crumbling white paper into tiny balls and putting them in a clear plastic bag. Hang these fake nests near-real wasp nests in your garden. Wasps, being territorial, don’t build nests next to another. The fake nests will deter new nest building or even drive away existing wasps.

4. Use of traps

Having several wasp traps in your garden will keep reducing their population and eventually eliminate them altogether. You can choose to buy the traps or make your own. To make one, cut off the neck of a medium-sized bottle. Invert the upper part and fix it into the lower part upside down. You now have your wasp trap. Simply put some bait in it like sugar water and place it at strategic spots in your garden. Using these tips, you can easily make your garden wasp-free. They’re simple enough to carry out and won’t cost you a lot.

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