Bed Bugs – Does Cleanliness Matter?

It is a common misconception that bed bugs are attracted to unhygienic environs, and simply keeping your home clean is enough to keep these nasty insects away. While it is true that unhygienic or cluttered homes offer bed bugs plenty of places to hide, clean homes to may face invasions from these vile parasites. The only thing a bed bug needs to survive is human blood, and irrespective of whether a home is clean or not, bed bugs will settle down and continue to live there, as long as they are getting enough human blood to feed on.

Bed bugs are excellent at hiding too, and in small numbers, it is almost impossible to detect their presence. And since their bites are often confused with mosquito bites, people often fail to realize that they are under attack from bed bugs.

The primary reason behind the spread of bed bugs is that they are excellent hitchhikers. Bed bugs can travel easily from an infested location to a new one on a person’s clothes, in luggage, or even hiding in old furniture or other household items.

Hotel rooms, train and bus stations, and even cabs or public buses etc. prove to bed bug infestations, and anyone that comes in contact with these locations is liable to pick up bed bugs and deposit them elsewhere.

You can pick them up on your travels, or even guests walking into your home can unknowingly deposit them in your home while staying over.

Therefore, irrespective of whether your home is clean or not, once bed bugs enter your home and find enough human blood to survive on, they will settle down and multiply, soon increasing in numbers and causing a full-fledged infestation.

In spite of this, it is always a good idea to keep your home clean, as regular cleaning will help you detect a bed bug invasion in time, after which you can take the necessary steps to rid your home of these vile parasites. If you are experiencing a bed bug problem call us for a consultation and a bed bug extermination in Guelph: 519-900-1180

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